Monday, August 11, 2014

Learning how to ride a bike/Poleroid Pictures/HUGE CARROTS and cookies

Hi Everyone!
    Here's a little life update. I've been busy lately: opened up two online shops, my mom visited me, my webcomic, art collaboration projects and I still have to clean the house and make dinner every night! haha. And if you're wondering, I'm still going to do fashion posts. 
    As the title says, it's true, I never learned how to ride a bike; until last week. As a child I had a traumatizing accident that included a very steep hill and an iron gate. I'm sure you are all aware about the laws of gravity. So ever since then I dreaded bicycles and thought I'd never learn to ride one. However, my husband was determined to teach me; I learned in less than two hours. Now I love my bicycle and I've even customized it with cute stickers.

Bicycle stickers
    I have this really cute mini Polaroid camera that I got in April, for my birthday, and I've been trying to take it with me everywhere. I finally took enough pics with it to make a photo "clothing-line" display. I set it up in our stairway, and now I'm really distracted when I go up and down the stairs.
My photo "clothing-line" and some favorite pics.
    Going to the Asian Market is one of my favorite activities. Nothing beats the produce section, especially the ginormous carrots! It's like buying two-three carrots in one. Cheap and delicious. I always buy some no matter what. I don't know why these carrots are so big. Maybe it's a different variety? If you know why please tell me. 
Huge carrots!
    I have lots of old cookbooks that I pick up from thrift stores. The older the better because they usually have really funky food. Recently I've been wanting to make more desserts from scratch instead of buying a box mix. So I picked out a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and they are seriously so yummy! It's a soft, cake-like cookie rather than a crunchy one. Maybe I'll make a separate post for the recipe.

Thanks For Reading!

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