Sunday, January 15, 2017

Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center

Hello Everyone,
   I checked off a new year's resolution already; My husband and I visited the Aquarium in Virginia Beach. First of all, let me say, this aquarium was super impressive! I highly recommend going if you get the chance. They had an indoor touch pool filled with rays from the local bay areas, a sea turtle only tank(that I spent way too much time looking at), a huge shark tank, and crocodiles?!

   The sea turtle tank was by far my favorite exhibit, the turtles swim right up to the glass and I swear they were playing with us; Just around the corner they had baby sea turtles!

   The whale room was really cool, there's a machine that lets you hear the different communication sounds from a large variety of whales (I also spent too much time listening to it).

   Something I didn't expect to see was a freakin' Komodo dragon! And I was left speechless again when we found the Tomistoma crocodiles, they had a special swamp room made just for them.

eagle ray

A male sea horse plushie with babies!
Thanks for Reading!