Monday, February 8, 2016

Revealing My New Year Resolutions

Hello Everyone & Happy Lunar New Year!

    Now, because I'm superstitious about sharing my ideas; before I even attempt to do them. I waited until now to share them with you. What better time then the lunar New Year, yes? This also gave me plenty of time, at the beginning of the year, to focus on my resolutions and not fall off the wagon haha.

1) Keeping a desk calendar: I already started this! I write in all the special events and schedual new stuff constantly. Now my mornings revolve around tea and my calendar.

2) Watching all the shows I said I'd watch but didn't: I'm notorius for adding stuff to my watchlist, then never actually watching it. I've been doing well with this goal; it's a slow process.

3) Learn about the Universe and stop being afraid: For someone who loves Science Fiction this might be confusing. Basically, I've always love space and I find it so incredibly interesting, but at the same time it scares me like no other. For years I've been hiding behind my fear instead of exploring what I love. I started to dwelve into my studies last month and I'm just beaming with all the new information I've gaurded myself from.(I still get scared).

4) Start up my fashion posts again: I've gotten many friends asking when I'm going to post more of my fashion coordinates. I didn't even know anyone really cared about them haha. So this spring/summer I'm definantly starting that back up.

5) Continue to finished sketchbooks quickly and then film it: I already have 2 sketchbook tour videos on my Youtube and I would like to, eventually, expand my channel into different art videos.

   Thank You for Reading!